1. Kids (minimum 4 years old)
2. Teenager
3. Young women
1 .Friday: 14.00 - 18.00 WIB
2. Sunday: 10.00 - 13.00 WIB
Administration Fees :
1. Administration fee Rp 150.000
2. Monthly fee Rp 150.000
3. For private class, please contact us
Terms and Condition:
1. Monthly fee should be pay every month before the 10th. There will be a 10% penalty for late payment.
2. There is 5% discount if you pay 3 month in advance and 10% discount if you pay 6 month in advance.
3.There is Rp. 100.000 for re-registration fee.
4. If you skip practice for a long period of time / long absence / leave without notice, you still have to pay your monthly fee.
1. Iuran bulanan harus dilunasi sebelum tanggal 10. Apabila terlambat, akan dikenakan denda sebear 10%.
2. Akan mendapatkan diskon sebesar 5% apabila membayar 3 bulan di muka, dan 10% apabila membayar 6 bulan di muka.
3. Jika ingin mengajukan cuti, akan dikenakan biaya daftar ulang sebesar Rp. 100.000 ketika masuk kembali.
4. Bila tidak datang latihan secara berturut-turut / cuti / berhenti tanpa pemberitahuan, tetap wajib melunasi iuran bulanan
Visit our studio for first trial :
Gelanggang Remaja Jakarta Selatan
Jl. Bulungan Blok C No.1 Jakarta Selatan 12720 DKI Jakarta
Phone / SMS / WhatsApp : 0818 128 029
Blackberry PIN: 28C246AA
Email : dayu_puspawati@yahoo.com
Tuesday 3pm and Sunday 2pm
Facebook: Sanggar Tari Bali Bulungan
See you!